服务分类 Service

China work visa (Z visa) - work permit (Alien Employment Permit) and residence permit service


    Our services including translation, China visa policy consulting, China immigration plan arrangement, document preparation & submission, accompany & delivery service etc which are all legalized. And we are a private consulting company legally registered in China since 2007, we are not the government branch, not affiliated with the government. But because of our abundant experience, with our help, your China visa application success probability is much higher. 


    China Work Visa (also called Z visa or residence permit now) is issued to an alien who comes to China for a post or employment, commercial performance or academic exchanges.


    To obtain a work visa from overseas Chinese consulates or visa office in Hong Kong, you are required to provide two basic documents: an Alien Employment License and a Z visa Invitation letter (or called Z visa notification form, Z visa notice). Most of Chinese consulates require original copies of the two documents, in addition to those two documents, a medical examination report could also be required in certain countries.


    Chief Representative in the representative office, legal representative or investor of the WFOE which has their name appeared on their business licenses are allowed to change their L or M visas into Z visa/residence permit in China without leaving. Above information only based on shanghai visa rules. For the Z working residence permit/visa, we have following services:


Z0. First time Apply for 1 Year Work Permit and Residence Permit with your employer 
Z1. Extend 1-5 Years Working permit and Residence Permit with same employer 
Z2. Change your Working Permit and Residence Permit from employer A to employer B
Z3. Company capital >=3 million USD$, want to apply 2 years Working Permit and Residence Permit
Z4. Taiwan citizen apply the 1-5 years Working Permit
Z5. HongKong / Macau citizen apply the 1-5 years Working Permit 

Z6. Employee stops working, Working permit (Alien Employment permit) cancel or modification
Z7. Employee stops working, cancel the working residence permit, change to 1 month 0 entry nonrenewable Stay Permit (Humanity)
Z8. Got new passport, transfer your old working visa to new passport


So if you have any problem with your China Visa or any problem related to your China visas: PLEASE CONTACT

Shanghai Talent training promotion center 
Address: Room 2001, No.1023 Dazhong financial center (West Yanan Rd), Shanghai China.

Operation Time: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm (12:00am-1:30pm lunch) 
Tel1:+86 021-62511233
Tel2:+86 021-62511722

Website: http://rc.ttcn.org


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